If you've been listening to sermons then it's no secret to you all that one of my favorite preachers, teachers, and Christian theologians is James Earl Massey. He has shaped many aspects of my understanding regarding what it means to be part of and pastor within the Church of God. I was recently browsing the internet for a quote from him when I came across this video of him from the Faith and Leadership group at Duke Divinity School. Here's the clip:
This got me to thinking--how well are we discipling at Crossroads? It is an important question for us to consider as a congregation. When we look at the discipling Jesus did, he called people from all walks of life and as we read the stories--the disciples grew, changed, and eventually blossomed into leaders of the church. My hope for us all is that as Massey states at the end of this clip, we will together grow, change into the likeness of Jesus, and blossom into people whose activity flows out of our understanding that our meaning comes from following and conforming to Christ.
Hopefully the word "church" means much more than a building or a calendar of activities--but an identification with a group of people called disciples. Disciples of Christ sent out to the world. If Jesus is your Lord--then you're part of church.